Популярные криптовалюты

BTC $94,461.04 -2.07%
ETH $3,299.34 -1.82%
XRP $2.3393 +3.14%
SOL $195.03 -3.48%
DOGE $0.33639 -3.39%
SUI $4.6851 -2.52%
ADA $0.929 -6.28%

Сервис CoinPayments добавил поддержку токена BitTorrent

TRX $0.249 -1.66%
PEOPLE $0.03798 -10.00%
TOKEN $0.0612 +0.04%
IQ $0.007498 -1.50%
BTT $0.0000011 -0.05%
REN $0.03031 +0.03%

Токен BitTorrent (BTT) на блокчейне TRON теперь поддерживается платежным сервисом CoinPayments. Happy to announce the addition of @BitTorrent‘s token the #BTT, to the CoinPayments platform! Businesses can now start accepting payments in #BTT through our integrations, to help support this project focused on a better internet, powered by the people!https://t.co/iqrlHPBVGF — CoinPayments (@CoinPaymentsNET) 7 лютого […]

RSS 07.02.2019 10 108
Источник: https://forklog.com/servis-coinpayments-dobavil-podderzhku-tokena-bittorrent/