Популярные криптовалюты

DOGE $0.42759 +6.46%
BTC $97,781.63 -1.09%
ETH $3,418.61 +3.96%
XRP $1.4807 +1.93%
SOL $255.08 +0.24%
XLM $0.497 +43.81%
ADA $1.0653 +8.95%

Грядущий хардфорк Shapella повлиял на приток Ethereum в стейкинг

ETH $3,418.61 +3.96%
BNB $652.76 +4.43%
REN $0.04988 +13.65%
TIME $23.822 +0.05%

Рост депозитов в стейкинге Ethereum снизился из-за регуляторного давления и приближающегося хардфорка Shanghai-Capella (Shapella), обратили внимание эксперты Glassnode. Deposit trends by staking providers have exhibited a clear shift over time with Kraken, Binance and Coinbase jousting for deposit allocations across the Beacon Chain's early days. As the dust settled between the three giants, it was Lido who […]

RSS 10.04.2023 117 114
Источник: https://cryptocurrency.tech/gryadushhij-hardfork-shapella-povliyal-na-pritok-ethereum-v-stejking/