Популярные криптовалюты

SOL $269.72 +13.48%
BTC $104,659.87 +1.82%
ETH $3,239.38 -1.18%
XRP $3.1334 +0.93%
DOGE $0.38132 -3.47%
SUI $4.8197 +3.01%
PEPE $0.0000171 -7.76%

Похищенные с Cryptopia биткоины перемещаются на кошельки биржи Huobi

BTC $104,659.87 +1.82%
ETH $3,239.38 -1.18%
HOT $0.002359 -7.24%
JST $0.03807 -3.13%

Исследователи CoinFirm отследили движение средств, украденных с новозеландской биткоин-биржи Cryptopia. The #Cryptopia hacker just moved funds to a major #crypto exchange according to Coinfirm! The hacker sent 30790 #ETH (~$7.67M) to a new address (Yellow) and then sent 10 ETH (~$2500) to an exchange address (green) that then landed on their Hot Wallet. https://t.co/xJ5bGphf44 pic.twitter.com/GqOUMgi7Kh […]

RSS 21.05.2019 4 112
Источник: https://forklog.com/pohishhennye-s-cryptopia-bitkoiny-peremeshhayutsya-na-koshelki-birzhi-huobi/